"It is in the making that we discover our true purpose." Success is elusive. It's true - and it stops most of us in our tracks on our way to "becoming" all that we could be. We cower before the doors of destiny, knocking timidly, if at all, offering only halfhearted attempts to enter into the lives we were meant to lead. But, here's the thing: Those doors only open inward. You have to push to get through. How could it be otherwise with all the frightened, huddled masses blocking the way? ![]() "Destructive forces may instill fear, but creative powers inspire greatness." "Not everyone is born for greatness," you may argue. "Some of us belong right where we are. We don't want to push. We don't want to change. We don't want to grow. If we don't try, how can we fail?" Failure is inevitable - this is true, too. Some time, some where, we all fall short. Everyone has within them the potential to be more than they are, yet not one of us fully lives up to it. We are human beings, after all, not gods. But, that shouldn't keep us from striving to be better human beings. If we are really content, why then is there still so much need and discontent in the world? Why do people grumble about their lot in life, the have-nots begrudging the haves and vice versa? If we were all our best selves, wouldn't everyone have enough? I think, perhaps, we all know we could do better. Some of us see those who succeed as a threat to our mediocrity, as if we are being graded on a bell curve. We despise that student who gets the "A+" because we know we didn't put forth our best effort. Or we work and work, and feel like we still don't measure up. On the flip side, some of those top-of-the-curve students resent sharing the fruit of their labor, and hide it away, not grasping that basic tenet of childhood: Good kids share and play fair. "Satisfaction is hard work's own reward." Also true, not everyone wants more for themselves. And that's just fine. But in a world that has such great need, we should at least want more for others. We should want to create a world where bell curves are unnecessary. The best way I know how to make that happen is for ALL of us to try, to push forward and give it our best. It may not be required or even expected, but it's sure to be appreciated by someone who needs what we have to offer the world...
...and that's what makes it worth the effort.
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