Hello again! It's been a while.
With all of the busy-ness that clutters my day-to-day, I've had to put some projects on the shelf for awhile, focusing on others in need of more immediate attention. I have missed these interludes of brief reflection - missed writing them, and connecting with those who read them - but there is only so much of me. Unlike a former period of time when I felt like too little butter scraped over bread, these days it is the wearing of too many hats that weighs me down. But I can feel myself getting stronger for the wearing. All the same, I do occasionally need to set them aside and rest. This morning on route to yet another errand, I heard this excerpt from "The Prelude" by William Wordsworth on my local public radio station: When from our better selves we have too long Been parted by the hurrying world, and droop, Sick of its business, of its pleasures tired, How gracious, how benign is Solitude! Ahhhhh... sounds so good! And actually, I just learned that I am soon to partake of this blessed relief. My wonderful husband (who assures me he can hold down the fort!) has arranged for me to go on a solitary writer's retreat, a much needed break from social media and marketing, time to write and reflect. I'll be spending ten days at a rural monastery, taking long walks, praying with the monks and sisters as I choose, clearing my head, and writing, just writing... —Hermit Deep in the bosom of the Wilderness; Votary (in vast Cathedral, where no foot Is treading and no other face is seen) Kneeling at prayer; or Watchman on the top Of Lighthouse beaten by Atlantic Waves. It's something to look forward to.
June 2020
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