Yesterday was an interesting day. I stayed up really, REALLY late Monday night putting some final touches on files I needed to deliver to the publisher, and even later reading ( I have to read before bed ---- always.), so I thought I'd be exhausted when I woke up, but no! After less than four hours my eyes popped open, my brain started whirring, and I jumped out of bed singing. It was a new day!
The thing is, every day is a new day. The only thing (besides too little sleep) that I could think of that made this one any different was attitude. Everything I did, every interaction I had went......... well........ well. Not perfect, not even smoothly, but everything ended up exactly where it should be. My creative juices were oozing out all over the place, awash in optimism. I looked forward to everything I did. I smiled a lot. And guess what? I have the chance to do that again today, and so do you!
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June 2020
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