Today is a big day!
After a long, hot summer of preparation, I am beginning an exciting new venture. The tables are scrubbed, materials gathered and sorted, and lesson plans tweaked in anticipation of this next chapter; the hard work is done. Now comes play time! I am the new art teacher at my daughter's school! I have taught before; as a visiting drawing instructor for 2nd & 4th graders back in my former life, one-on-one art lessons for various home-schooled and adult students over the years, and even music - another art form - in an earlier stint at the same Pre-K through 8th grade private school. Last year I subbed there in just about every grade, but this is different. Now I have my own classroom, and latitude to teach whatever I choose. My goal for the year is to make art fun for everyone. Most of us have choices about whether or not to have fun, whatever we are doing. Yet, too often, we plod along in dead end jobs, stale relationships, and making the same lousy choices about our health and habits, when all it really takes to change things is a change of attitude. As an artist, I know it is all in how you see things - your perspective. Boredom is the breeding ground for creativity. With proper perspective, hard work becomes what makes you strong. Troubles become challenges to conquer, obstacles opportunities for growth. So, today I don't start a new part-time job; I begin a new adventure! When the students walk (slow down, please!) into that art room and sit (no tipping!) quietly (let's use our indoor voices) as I pass out supplies (pencils are not for poking! hands to ourselves, please...let's give each other plenty of room) and the magic begins (very creative! good use of line! I can tell you thought a lot about that! You kids rock!), I will be right in my element. What are you doing that's fun today?
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