That's the phrase I just heard coming from the kitchen. Not sure what I am expected to do about it when I haven't even been able to keep up with my own stuff lately. But then again, I have always found that the more I focus on helping others, the less time I spend worrying, which is actually a good thing. Worry has never gotten me anything but wrinkles. Take last weekend. All of my anxiety did nothing toward getting my kids home safely.... except for the prayer it got me to ask for and offer. Sharing a load makes it easier to bear. Just knowing that others were concerned with me helped to ease those fears. So I guess I'll go see if I can help figure out this new problem at hand, try ease someone else's worry, and at the same time chip away at mine.
My mental fog hasn't gotten any better over the last couple of days, probably because it's coupled with worry. This is fairly common, as I imagine it is for most moms: It is hard to focus on what needs to be done when all you can think about is "Are they okay?" Trust takes practice. With five kids I've had a lot of it, but with my teenagers traveling today in inclement weather, I need a double dose. So if you think of it, send a few good thoughts their way, and a mention heavenward would be appreciated too.
I can tell it's gonna take a little while to get into my new routine. Maybe it's just that I'm not fully recovered yet, or that with other recuperating people in the house it's hard to focus. Whichever excuse sounds more plausible, I've decided to cut myself a little slack. When you haven't been out of the house in over a week, and after waking up to negative double digits yet again knowing that you're still looking at six more weeks of winter, it's best to be a little gentle with yourself. Baby steps still count.
Time to admit the error of my ways. No, I won't be giving up chocolate (that's medicinal!), or begin working out like a madwoman, though it might be a good idea since I spend so much time sitting. There's a sweet spot in my day (besides dark chocolate time) and I've been wasting it. You're the reason, not that you're to blame - I'm totally owning that. I've been giving this blog my peak performance time by writing it first thing in the morning when I'm usually at my sharpest. Okay, that's when I check Facebook too! (guilty blush) But, the time has come for me to shift into CONCENTRATED WRITING MODE and focus on Volume Three of my series. It's been partly written for a long time, and it's time to finish the job. So from now on I'll be posting more often at night. Hope you'll stay along for the ride.
P.S. You'll be able to read a sample of Volume Three at the end of Volume Two. I can hardly wait for its release!!!! 75% - that's how far recovered I am. Of course, while down for the count for a few days life went on around me. I participated as I was able. Rest is good except when it becomes just another excuse. Even when we can't work at our full potential, it doesn't mean we shouldn't put forth any effort at all. I'm more tired of excuses than I am of the flu! I may have made this one drag on, but I still feel better about myself knowing what I'm capable of, and where I'm going with it.
Are you letting what limits you hold the reins? Well, that glow from yesterday is translating into total burnout today. Whose half baked idea was it to expend what precious little energy I had? Oh, yeah - mine. This is as good as it gets today folks. I'm heading back to the couch, hoping to rise to the occasion tomorrow. Enjoy the game for me.
June 2020
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